First Presbyterian Church
Fifth and Race Streets
--Services at 9:30 AM--
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2019 Worship Service Videos
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December 29, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Star of Bethlehem," Matthew 2:1-15.
Reformed Fellowship: "Saving Faith," a study based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, recorded on January 2, 2020.
December 22, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "They Shall Call Him 'Immanuel,'" Matthew 1:18-25.
Homily: "The Eternal Age," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 37c.
Reformed Fellowship: "Faith," a study based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, recorded on December 26, 2019.
December 15, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "God's Covenant with Noah," Genesis 8:20-9:17.
Homily: "The Resurrection of the Dead," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 37b.
December 8, 2019: Pastor MacLaren on Vacation.
December 1, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "God Remembered Noah," Genesis 8:1-22. It is amazing to see how the story of Noah's flood centers on this one thought, "but God remembered Noah."
Homily: "The Judge of the Living and the Dead," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 37a.
Reformed Fellowship: "The Freedom of the Will," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (December 12, 2019)
November 24, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Noah's Flood," Genesis 7:1-24. Finally the flood waters came and mercilessly swept away all of humanity except Noah and all who were with him in the ark. When God shuts the door of life on you, will you be in the ark of salvation through faith in Jesus, or outside the ark surprised by the coming storm?
Homily: "The Christian's Duty to the Civil Government," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 36b.
Congregational Hymn: "Day of Judgment, Day of Wonders," Trinity Hymnal #319.
November 17, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Noah's Ark," Genesis 6:1-22. God commanded Noah to build an ark, for through Noah God would save the kingdom of God and the hope of salvation for the people of God. Why was such a thing necessary? What was happening in the world that so provoked God, and what relation does it have for today? Are we in a similar situation today?
Homily: "The Christian and the Civil Government," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 36a.
Congregational Hymn: "And Can It Be, That I Should Gain," Trinity Hymnal #455.
Reformed Fellowship: "Definite Atonement," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (November 21, 2019)
November 10, 2019
Pastor MacLaren on Vacation! :)
November 3, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Christ and Culture," Genesis 4:17-26.
Special Music: "Morning Sun," with Descant, Trinity Hymnal #287, sung by Pastor MacLaren. Updated 11/11/2019.
October 27, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "East of Eden," Genesis 3:22-4:16.
Reformed Fellowship: "Effectual Calling," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (October 31, 2019)
Special Music: "Morning Sun," Trinity Hymnal #287, sung by Pastor MacLaren.
October 20, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Serpent and the Son," Genesis 3:14-21.
Reformed Fellowship: "Predestination and Reprobation," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (October 24, 2019)
October 13, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "An Uncomfortable Conversation," Genesis 3:8-13.
Reformed Fellowship: "Predestination," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (October 17, 2019)
October 6, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Forbidden Fruit," Genesis 3:1-7.
Reformed Fellowship: "Salvation," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (October 10, 2019)
September 29, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Garden of Eden," Genesis 2:4-25.
Reformed Fellowship: "The Unforgivable Sin" and "Syncretism," a discussion by Pastor MacLaren based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH. (October 3, 2019)
September 22, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Man in God's Image," Genesis 1:24-31.
Homily: "Infant Baptism," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 34b.
September 15, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "In the Beginning, God!," Genesis 1:1-5. The first words of the Bible are foundational for our understanding of the world and our own place in that world. The Bible tells us that we are God's creatures, and that he created all things by his word of power. Watch as Pastor MacLaren begins a new series of messages on the book of Genesis!
Homily: "Christian Baptism," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 34a.
September 8, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Christ Above All," John 21:15-25. Watch as Pastor MacLaren concludes his series of messages from the Gospel of John, "Light and Life in Jesus Christ."
Homily: "The Sacraments," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 33.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Human Conscience." Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains from his commentary on the book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH by Dr. R. C. Sproul.
September 1, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Resurrection and Evangelism," John 21:1-14. As the apostle John concludes his gospel account, he tells us of an experience on the Sea of Tiberias where the disciples went fishing with Peter, but caught nothing. As morning broke, a mysterious figure on the shore told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat, and much to their great surprise and delight, their nets were filled with a great catch of fish. Who was this mysterious stranger, and what was the significance of this amazing experience? Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains in this sermon from his series of messages from the Gospel of John, "Light and Life in Jesus Christ."
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Human Depravity." We all admit to making "mistakes," and there is always room for improvement. But are the defects of our life merely superficial or do they reflect a much deeper problem? Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains from his commentary on the book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH by Dr. R. C. Sproul.
August 25, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Tangible Proof," John 20:19-31. Thomas thought he was burned once when he believed in Jesus, he wasn't going to be "burned" again. So when claims of the resurrection began circulating among the disciples, Thomas was not buying it. He insisted that he needed "tangible proof" that Jesus rose from the dead, and without that extraordinary evidence, he was not going to be convinced. When the moment came for Thomas to meet the risen Lord, his demands were swallowed up in confession and worship. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains in this sermon from his series of messages from the Gospel of John, "Light and Life in Jesus Christ."
Homily: "Church Discipline," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 32.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Original Sin!" Many believe that people are basically good and that our imperfections may be corrected by a change in our environment or through education, meditation, and medication. The Bible has a completely opposite description of our human condition. We are wicked to the very core of our being, and every aspect of our lives is corrupted by our "sin." Can such a view be true? Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains from his commentary on the book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH by Dr. R. C. Sproul.
August 18, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Making Sense of the Resurrection," John 20:1-18. The Gospel of John invites us to see the evidence of the empty tomb through the eyes of the apostle and determine for ourselves that Jesus has indeed risen from the dead. The resurrection is a fact of history, but it is more than that. It is also a declaration of our reconciliation with God. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains in this sermon from his series of messages from the Gospel of John, "Light and Life in Jesus Christ."
Homily: "Church Officers," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 31.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "That's a Sin!" Have you ever heard someone say, "That's a sin!" They are usually describing something so offensive that there just is no better way of describing it than as a "sin." But what really is "sin?" Who gets to determine what is sinful or morally evil? Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains from his commentary on the book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH by Dr. R. C. Sproul.
August 11, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The 'Death Certificate' of Jesus," John 19:31-42. The Gospel of John tells us some interesting things about the burial of Jesus that are not recorded in the other gospels. It is the occasion for two "secret" disciples to boldly reveal themselves as followers of Jesus. It is also the means whereby the apostle John affirms to us the fact of Jesus' real death as a man.
Homily: "Church Polity," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 30.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Still Our Ancient Foe." Pastor MacLaren discusses the presence of Satan and demons in the world and shows how they were defeated decisively at the cross of Christ. This video also contains Pastor MacLaren's reflections on the recent deaths of two prominent men in the OPC and the challenge of depression in the lives of God's people.
August 4, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "It Is Finished!" John 19:16-30.
July 28, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Behold the Man!" John 19:1-16. In his pagan pragmatism, Pilate sought to save Jesus from crucifixion by having him mocked and beaten. He knew Jesus was innocent of any capital crimes and posed no threat to Caesar. Perhaps a view of the bloodied and bruised "King of the Jews" would be enough to satisfy the crowd's lust for blood. But he failed to appreciate the depths of hatred toward "the Lord's Christ" (cf. Psalm 2), and finally turned Jesus over to be crucified. Yet in the midst of great pain and humiliation, we see in Jesus his divine nature and matchless love. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his series of sermons from the gospel of John, "Light and Life in Jesus."
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Christians in Flesh and Spirit."
July 21, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The King of the Jews," John 18:28-40. Pilate was in a very difficult position. He saw that Jesus was not guilty of any crimes worthy of death, but the Jews were intent on having him executed. They were putting great pressure on him to do what they wanted. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows how the interview between Jesus and Pilate showed something of the nature of Christ's kingdom and the meaning of truth. See also how the trial of Jesus really becomes God's trial of us.
Homily: "The Marks of a True Christian," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 29b.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Man as Body and Soul." Many Evangelicals believe that our human nature is composed of three parts, body, soul, and spirit. They point to Scripture passages like that in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 for support, and argue that man's soul is morally neutral and capable of thinking obediently and choosing to follow God. The spirit of man however is dead to God and needs to be revived by the new birth. Pastor MacLaren will show from the Scriptures that this is not so. God has composed us of two parts, body and soul. This distinguishes the Christian faith from paganism and from compromises with humanistic faiths.
July 14, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Psychoanalyzing Peter," John 18:12-27. The apostle Peter has been the subject of more armchair pyschoanalysis by pastors and bible teachers than any other New Testament character. In part, it's because Peter is the common man, a man filled with passion and enthusiasm, but at times also a man that is prone to fail and do some embarrassing things. The apostle John joins the three other gospel accounts in telling us about Peter's denial that he knew Jesus when Jesus was placed on trial. It's a particularly sad and troubling story, but John tells it with a twist. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows what John wants us to learn from Peter's big "mistake."
Homily: "The Marks of a True Church," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 29a.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Man in God's Image." The Christian faith is unique in its description of man as made in the image of God. The nature of this "image" has major consequences for our ability to distinguish man from beast, and to see how man can relate really and truly to God. Watch as Pastor MacLaren introduces the idea of the image of God in mankind. This video was recorded on July 19, 2019 at First Presbyterian Church in Perkasie, PA (
July 7, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Glory and Grace!," John 18:1-14. The betrayal and arrest of Jesus become the occasion for a glimpse of both the transcendent glory and amazing grace of Jesus Christ.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Sanctified by the Spirit." Pastor MacLaren brings together two topics in this one video, yeah, even three! First he will map out a theological landscape for you to see where the Reformed Faith fits in the broad theological/religious landscape. Second, he will discuss the work of the Spirit in sanctifying the church. And finally, he will show that our knowledge of ourselves is mutually informed by our knowledge of God.
June 30, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Unity of the Church," John 17:11-26. The ecclesiastical landscape is scattered with a plethora of churches, chapels, fellowships, denominations, and associations. Yet, we confess that the Church is "one holy, catholic, and apostolic church." Where is the unity of the church? Was the prayer of Jesus for the unity of his elect lost on the church?
June 23, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Mediator of the Elect," John 17:6-19. The night before his crucifixion, Jesus prays commits the safety and well-being of his disciples to his heavenly Father. His prayer is specifically concerned with the disciples as distinguished from the rest of the world. If Jesus prays for the elect in this way, will he not also die specifically for his elect as well?
Belgic Confession of Faith: "No Salvation Outside the Church!" Belgic Confession of Faith Article 28.
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "The Holy Spirit as Comforter."
June 16, 2019 (Trinity Sunday)
Worship Service:
Sermon: "This Is Eternal Life," John 17:1-5. As the planet Jupiter is crowned with an amazing aurora borealis, so all of creation is crowned with the splendor of God's glory. It is amazing however that on the eve of his horrific death by crucifixion, Jesus was most concerned with the glory of God and the well-being of his disciples. His great prayer on the night in which he was betrayed gives us a true glimpse into his personal glory and the future of his kingdom.
Belgic Confession of Faith: "The True Catholic Church!" Belgic Confession of Faith Article 27. The Roman Catholic Church argues that it is the true church by virtue of its historical, institutional union with the early church. By so doing, it intends to portray the Protestant churches as schismatic and not part of the "Catholic" church. Is an institutional, historical connection more authentic than a spiritual, faithful connection?
Thursday Reformed Fellowship: "Tongues and Spirit Baptism." Do you speak in tongues? Many believe that the experience of speaking in tongues is evidence of the Spirit's baptism in one's life, and that this experience enables you to worship God more personally and witness to others more powerfully. But is the present experience of speaking in tongues what was present in the early church, and it that how God wants us to live today?
June 9, 2019 (Pentecost Sunday)
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Christus Victor," John 16:16-33. Are you confused by the many different opinions about Jesus? One church says this, and another says that. Who is right? How do we properly understand what he was teaching? The first disciples often had trouble understanding Jesus, particularly the spiritual nature of his message. They tended to interpret everything in its most basic, literal sense, and from the perspective of their own inherited theological traditions. Consequently, they often missed the main point of what Jesus was saying. That continues to be a problem in the church today, as people read the Bible to support their own beliefs and opinions rather than sincerely listening to Jesus and understanding him in the context of his glorious person and work. Watch as Pastor MacLaren puts together the jigsaw puzzle of Jesus' teaching so that the great picture of redemption can be clearly seen....
Belgic Confession of Faith: "The Saints Preserve Us!" Why should you pray to the saints for their protection, when you have the glorious Son of Man, Jesus Christ, exalted above the heavens as our great high priest, to pray for us? The saints themselves forbid any honors to them, but direct us to Jesus.
Congregational Hymn: "Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation," Trinity Hymnal #342.
June 2, 2019 (Seventh Sunday of Easter)
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Spirit as Evangelist," John 16:4-15. When we think of great evangelists in the history of the church, we might think of men like George Whitefield or Charles Spurgeon or Billy Graham, but the real Evangelist that truly changes hearts and lives is the Holy Spirit. Jesus encouraged the church with the promise of the Holy Spirit following his ascension into heaven. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains something of the Spirit's evangelistic ministry in this sermon.
Reformed Fellowship: "The Illumination of the Spirit." A meditation based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, chapter 40.
Congregational Hymn: "Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation," Trinity Hymnal #342.
May 26, 2019 (Sixth Sunday of Easter)
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Problem of Persecution," John 15:18-16:4. The persecution of Christians around the world has become particularly intense, so intense that it meets the UN requirements to be described as "genocide." While the intensity of persecution rises and falls over time, the presence of persecution for Christians should be no surprise. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows how Jesus Warned his disciples of what they would face.
Belgic Confession: "Our Only and Glorious Mediator," Belgic Confession of Faith, Article 26a.
Reformed Fellowship: "The Inner Testimony of the Spirit."
Congregational Hymn: "Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me," Trinity Hymnal #335.
May 19, 2019 (Fifth Sunday of Easter)
Worship Service: "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, in the city of our God, in the mountain of his holiness." Join the congregation of First Presbyterian Church as we worship the Lord our Maker and Redeemer!
Sermon: "Life Lessons from the Vineyard!" John 15:1-17. A tour of Napa Valley in Northern California offers a great appreciation for the complexity and beauty of viticulture. However, in the end, what is important is the glass of wine produced by the vineyard, and not the bucolic setting. Jesus urged his disciples to learn the lessons of the vineyard and to abide in him as the true vine.
Special Music: "Morning Sun," Trinity Hymnal #287 A contemporary, triumphant hymn by James C. Ward celebrates the glory of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with words of great comfort for the church. Watch as Pastor MacLaren sings this from the Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Reformed Fellowship: "The Ascension of Jesus into Glory."
May 12, 2019 (Fourth Sunday of Easter)
Worship Service: Jesus is risen from the dead--this is a message of life and salvation for all of God's people. Join us as we worship the Lord who has literally risen from the dead in bodily form, ascended into heaven, and presently reigns over the heavens and the earth. Since he is risen, we too may rise to new life and live to the glory of God.
Sermon: "The Spirit of Truth!" John 14:15-31. Over the last century a lot of attention has been given to the work of the Holy Spirit. Many enthusiasts have wanted a return to the early powers revealed by the Spirit's presence: tongues, prophecies, healings. But Jesus outlines a different mission for the Spirit when he calls him the Spirit of truth. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his series of messages from the gospel of John.
Belgic Confession: "Fulfillment in Christ."
May 5, 2019 (Third Sunday of Easter)
Worship Service: Jesus is risen from the dead--this is a message of life and salvation for all of God's people. Join us as we worship the Lord who has literally risen from the dead in bodily form, ascended into heaven, and presently reigns over the heavens and the earth. Since he is risen, we too may rise to new life and live to the glory of God.
Sermon: "Show Us the Father!" John 14:1-14. The many different varieties of religious beliefs in the world bear silent testimony to man's religious quest to know God. Yet, that same variety testifies to the fact that for many in the world today, the true God is unknown. How can we fulfill that deep desire within us to have a relationship with God that is meaningful and fully satisfying? To that quest, Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," John 14:6-7. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains this text in his series of sermons on the gospel of John
"The Reformed Faith and Anti-Semitism:" A statement on the Chabad of Poway California Synagogue shooting by Pastor MacLaren.
April 28, 2019 (Second Sunday of Easter)
Worship Service: Jesus is risen from the dead--this is a message of life and salvation for all of God's people. Join us as we worship the Lord who has literally risen from the dead in bodily form, ascended into heaven, and presently reigns over the heavens and the earth. Since he is risen, we too may rise to new life and live to the glory of God.
Sermon: "A New Commandment," John 13:1-20. President Ronald Reagan once quipped that the eleventh commandment was, "Thou shalt not speak evil of a fellow Republican." That isn't quite what Jesus had in mind when he spoke to his disciples of a "new" commandment. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows how this new commandment is uniquely designed to protect the church in an evil age.
Belgic Confession: "Unworthy Servants," It is very humbling to take on our lips the words given to us by Jesus that despite all that we have done for him, we still remain "unworthy servants." Even our best efforts to please God are tainted and corrupted by the sin that remains within us, so any claim made that we or others may have "works of supererogation," or good works that more than satisfy God's perfect standard, is evidence of incredible pride and foolishness. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his exposition of the Belgic Confession of Faith in this video recorded at First Presbyterian Church OPC in Perkasie, PA on April 28, 2019.
April 21, 2019 (Easter Sunday)
Worship Service: Jesus is risen from the dead--this is a message of life and salvation for all of God's people. Join us as we worship the Lord who has literally risen from the dead in bodily form, ascended into heaven, and presently reigns over the heavens and the earth. Since he is risen, we too may rise to new life and live to the glory of God.
Sermon: "Risen with Christ," Colossians 3:1-4. The evidence for the resurrection is overwhelming. Jesus rose from the dead, not just in our hearts or spiritually, but really, physically, and permanently. This great event in history, in time, demonstrated the deity of Christ and his completed work of atonement. But do we understand how the resurrection of Jesus empowers our daily walk in this world today? Are you living in the life and power of that resurrection? Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from Colossians 3:1-4 how the resurrection of Jesus has implications for how we live today.
Special Music: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," Trinity Hymnal #252. One of the greatest hymns of the Christian church reflects on the significance of Christ's death for us. Pastor MacLaren sings the hymn with assistance from the congregation of First Church. Background vocals are provided by Pastor MacLaren.
April 14, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Love's Perfect Example," John 13:1-20. A bare exhortation to love one another would not have had the effect of the dramatic action Jesus took to impress on them the importance of Christian service.
Special Music: "O Sacred Head, Now Wounded," Trinity Hymnal #247. This moving hymn reflects on the amazing sacrifice made by the Lord Jesus for sinners like us. It was sung by Pastor MacLaren with background vocals added afterwards by Pastor MacLaren.
April 7, 2019
Worship Service: Includes the sermon and homily in their context within the worship service.... Also includes our Hymn of the Month, "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross."
Special Music: "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart," Trinity Hymnal #338.
Sermon: "A Summary Judgment," John 12:37-54. It's an amazing thing. The greatest communicator who ever lived, backed by the most powerful miracles ever performed in all of history, is largely rejected by his audience. Such is the inveterate evil of the human heart, that even at the preaching and miracles of Jesus, they will not believe. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his series of messages from the gospel of John.
March 31, 2019
Worship Service: Includes the sermon and homily in their context within the worship service.... Also includes our Hymn of the Month, "And Can It Be That I Should Gain."
Sermon: "Who Is This 'Son of Man?'" The problem with interpreting the Bible is not so much with the Bible but with the interpreter. Your presuppositions regarding the Bible shape your understanding of its message. Jesus admonished those who questioned his credentials as the 'Son of Man' by simply urging them to walk in the light while it is day. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows how Jesus is the true Son of Man....
Homily: "The New Man in Christ," Belgic Confession of Faith Article 24a. The difference between the Romanist and the Reformed views of the Christian life could not be more pronounced. One is rooted in works righteousness, the other in grace.
Reformed Fellowship: "The Only Begotten, Baptized Christ," Pastor MacLaren continues his discussion of themes developed in Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, chapters 30-31.
March 24, 2019
Sermon: "A Different Kind of King," John 12:12-26.
Confession of Faith: "Only Christ's Righteousness," Belgic Confession of Faith Article 23 b.
March 17, 2019
Worship Service: We have no higher duty, or delight, than to worship the Lord together on the Lord's day. What can compare with a taste of the glory to come for those who are united to Christ by a living faith?
Sermon: "An Extravagant Love," John 11:55-12:11. Often we express love in ways that suit our personalities and experiences. Some are lavish in their expressions, others more reserved. As Jesus entered the last days of his life on earth, one of his disciples gave an extravagant expression of her thankfulness and love to him. Some criticized her harshly for this "waste," but Jesus saw the beauty in it. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his study in the gospel of John....
Confession of Faith: "Christ Our Righteousness," Belgic Confession of Faith Article 23a. Rome tells its "faithful" that the righteousness of Christ must be supplemented by your good works, or by those of the saints on your behalf, if you wish to enter heaven. The gospel points us solely and entirely to the righteousness of Christ which alone is able to make us right in the sight of God. Thus, Rome provides a partial Savior, who in the end saves no one. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains this....
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "The Virgin Birth of Christ." The virgin birth of Jesus has come under withering criticism from liberal theologians and scholars who are skeptical of the Bible's supernatural origins and nature. Such criticism was decisively answered by Dr. J. Gresham Machen about a century ago, who showed that their criticism arose from their naturalistic, pagan assumptions. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains something of the biblical support for the virgin birth of Jesus, as well as the nature and necessity of that birth for our redemption.
March 10, 2019
Worship Service: The congregation of First Presbyterian Church OPC in Perkasie, PA gathers every Lord's Day to worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Forsake the world, flee the wrath of God, and join the elect of the Lord who trust in his grace alone for salvation. You will be blessed beyond your wildest dreams, and you will see the glory of God!
Sermon: "Raised on the Fourth Day," John 11:38-54. Lazarus was dead--really dead. But Jesus assured Martha, and all today who read this account in John 11, that everyone who believes in him will see the glory of God, even in the death of a dear friend, even in the determination of one's enemies. Do you wish to see the glory of God in your life? Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from John 11 something of the glory of God in the most distressing moments of life.
Confession of Faith: "The Instrument of Faith," Belgic Confession of Faith Article 22b. Are we saved by our faith or because of our faith? There is a significant difference between the two that is lost on many in Evangelical churches. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his study on the Belgic Confession of Faith....
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "The Sinlessness of Christ." In our modern world, we rarely talk about "sin," as that is religious language that infers an obligation before God. Even more, it describes acts against God's revealed norms that make us vulnerable to divine judgment. We are very much aware of our "shortcomings," "addictions," and "bad habits," but "sins" against God are not so much recognized as ignored and suppressed. Watch as Pastor MacLaren develops the idea of the sinlessness of Jesus Christ and the implications of that for our faith and life. chapter 28 in ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH.
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "The Humanity of Christ." Pastor MacLaren picks up his Commentary on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH in this video recorded on March 7, 2019.
Congregational Hymn: "And Can It Be That I Should Gain," Trinity Hymnal #455 (Hymn of the Month).
February 17, 2019
Worship Service: "I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing your praise; I bow down toward your holy temple and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased."
Sermon: "Resurrection and Life," John 11:17-37. "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.” Indeed, do you believe this?
Confession of Faith: "Justified by Faith Alone," Belgic Confession of Faith Article 22a.
Congregational Hymn: "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less," Trinity Hymnal #521
February 10, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Lazarus Sleeps," John 11:1-16.
Confession of Faith: "Christ's Satisfaction for Our Sins," Belgic Confession of Faith Article 21b.
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "The Covenant of Works," Chapter 24.
February 3, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "My Sheep, My Credentials," John 10:22-42. If your life is overcome by guilt, fear and anxiety, perhaps it is because you have not appreciated the assurance Jesus gives his disciples: "My Sheep hear my voice and follow me. I give to them eternal life... and no one will snatch them out of my hand."
Special Music: "To You, O Lord, I Fly," Trinity Hymnal (rev.) #692. This beautiful hymn is a prayer based on Psalm 16. The background vocals were added by Pastor MacLaren.
Congregational Hymn: "," Trinity Hymnal (rev.) #.
Organ Prelude: "Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed," First Church is blessed with wonderful hymns to assist us in our worship. This hymn is a meditation on the death of Jesus in preparation for a communion service. Our organist is Heidi Wolfskill, who plays an arrangement of this moving hymn.
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "Covenant." The "covenant" is a very significant concept with the Scriptures that we need to understand. It has an impact on a wide range of things, from the plan of redemption to our meditation on Scripture, the preaching of God's word, and the order of worship. Pastor MacLaren develops this concept in this video based on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH.
January 27, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Good Shepherd," John 10:1-21. Jesus is the good shepherd of the sheep! He knows us, calls us by name, defends us, and gives us the abundant life.
Congregational Hymn: "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us," Trinity Hymnal (rev.) #599.
January 20, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Now I See!" We take our eyesight for granted and fail to appreciate how wonderful it is to see a sunset or look on the smiling face of a loved one. This is one of the great blessings given to us by our Creator. While it is a tragic thing to be born blind, it is even more tragic to be blind even while we "see." May the miracle of Jesus open your eyes to see things you've never seen before, even the very kingdom of God!
Congregational Hymn: "The Light of the World Is Jesus," Trinity Hymnal (rev.) #476.
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "The Will of God," Pastor MacLaren continues his commentary on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, chapter 22.
January 13, 2019
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Who's Fault Is That?" When tragedy strikes, we tend to look for someone to blame. Is God angry with me? Who's responsible for what happened? This is true whether we are talking about a natural disaster, a personal failure, or even a birth defect. Who's to blame? This question was posed to the Lord Jesus as he and his disciples came across a man born blind. Pastor MacLaren takes us through the conversation that ensued between Jesus and his disciples, and then considers the amazing miracle of healing that took place.
Special Music: "Children of the Heavenly Father," Trinity Hymnal (rev.) #131. Pastor MacLaren sings this beautiful, comforting hymn from the revised Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Background vocals were supplied subsequently by Pastor MacLaren.
Men's Reformed Fellowship: "Miracles." Pastor MacLaren continues his commentary on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, chapter 21.
January 6, 2019
Worship Service: “Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations,his marvelous works among all the peoples!”
Sermon: "Jesus: The Alpha and Omega of Our Faith," John 8:48-59. With the arrival of a new year, our thoughts turn to the temporal nature of our existence and the relentless movement of time. We have a beginning, and we will have an end to life in this world, but there is One who stands above time, yet has submitted Himself to time, so that we might live for eternity. Watch as Pastor MacLaren points us to "Jesus, the Alpha and Omega of our Faith."
​Men's Reformed Fellowship: "Providence," Pastor MacLaren continues his commentary on Dr. R. C. Sproul's book, ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH, chapter 20.