First Presbyterian Church
Fifth and Race Streets
--Services at 9:30 AM--
Parking available in the lot across the street
Sermon and Worship Videos
Worship Service:
"Lost" video:
Sermon: "Serving Jesus in a Complicated World," Luke 9:46-56.
Special Music: "Around the Throne of God in Heav'n," Trinity Hymnal #648
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Confessing Christ Crucified," Luke 9:37-49.
Special Music: "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent," Trinity Hymnal (rev.) #193
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Good Treasure of the Heart" Luke 6:37-49.
Special Music: "The Sands of Time Are Sinking," Trinity Hymnal #599
Confession of Faith: "Sunday as Sabbath,' WCF 21:8
Congregational Hymn: "More Love to Thee, O Christ," Trinity Hymnal #548
Congregational Hymn: "How Firm a Foundation," Trinity Hymnal #80
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Love Your Enemies?" Luke 6:17-36.
Special Music: "Jerusalem the Golden," Trinity Hymnal #604
Confession of Faith: "The First Day of the Week,' WCF 21:7
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The First Disciples," Luke 5:1-11.
Confession of Faith: "' WCF 20:
Worship Service:
Sermon: "A Peaceful, Quiet Life," 1 Timothy 2:1-7.
Congregational Hymn: "Blessing and Honor and Glory and Power," Trinity Hymnal #219
Congregational Hymn: "Great King of Nations," Trinity Hymnal #621
Special Music: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," Trinity Hymnal #186.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "New Covenant, New People," Jeremiah 31:27-40.
Special Music: "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," Trinity Hymnal #81.
Confession of Faith: "' WCF 20:
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Guideposts for the Journey Home," Jeremiah 31:15-26.
Special Music: "Comfort, Comfort Ye My People," Trinity Hymnal #148
Confession of Faith: "The Worship Service" WCF 20:5
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Chief of the Nations," Jeremiah 31:6-14.
Confession of Faith: "Prayers for the Dead?' WCF 20:4
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Paradox of Justice and Grace," Jeremiah 31:1-6.
Confession of Faith: "Prayer as Worship," WCF 20:3.
Special Music: "When He Cometh," Trinity Hymnal #651. Pastor MacLaren.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Health Restored, Wounds Healed," Jeremiah 30.
Sermon: "Pastoral Counsel to the Exilic Community," Jeremiah 29.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Christ or Anti-Christ?" Jeremiah 28.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Bound by Divine Providence," Jeremiah 27.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Death Threats and Deliverance," Jeremiah 26.
Worship Service:
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Blessed in Babylon!" Jeremiah 24:1-10.
Hymn: "Holy, Holy, Holy," Trinity Hymnal #87.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Divine Council and God's Mighty Word," Jeremiah 23:16-32.
Homily: "The Lord of the Conscience," WCF 20:2.
Hymn: "How Sweet and Awful Is the Place," Trinity Hymnal #271
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Righteous King," Jeremiah 23:1-8.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Just Kingdom," Jeremiah 22:1-10.
Homily: "The Law Sanctifies Believers," WCF 19:6b-7.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "A Life or Death Decision," Jeremiah 21.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "God's Living Word," Hebrews 4:9-16.
Homily: "God's Moral Law," WCF 19:5.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Lord a Terror to the Terrorist," Jeremiah 20.
Homily: "The Moral Law," The OPC Confession of Faith, 19:5.
Worship Service (Fathers' Day):
Sermon: "Men and Fathers," 1 Corinthians 4:6-21.
Confession of Faith: "Civil and Ceremonial Law," WCF 19:3-4.
Fathers' Day Invitation:
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Prepared for Glory: God's Sovereignty in Providence and Redemption," Romans 9.
Worship Service:
Worship Service:
Sermon: "Lessons from the Potter's House," Jeremiah 18:1-17.
Confession of Faith: "Assurance Shaken But Sure," WCF 18:4.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "One and Three," Matthew 28:16-20. The nature of the trinity challenges human reasoning at its core. It confronts us with the mystery of that which is infinite and eternal, transcendent and incomprehensible. Yet, its truths are revealed progressively and organically within Scripture and redemptive history. In this sermon, Pastor MacLaren considers the nature of the trinity in relation to the church's great commission to preach the gospel, Matthew 28:16-20.
Sermon Postscript: "Evangelism as Discipleship." In this sermon postscript, Pastor MacLaren extends his remarks on the nature of the Great Commission (see "One and Three," 5/15/2016). First he comments on the Chain of Being theology that dominates non-Christian thought, showing that only the Trinity fully answers our need for a God who is infinitely personal and independent of the creation. Second, he comments on the nature of evangelism as "discipleship."
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Hand that Rocks the Cradle," Proverbs 1:7-9.
Confession: "Full Assurance," WCF 18:3.
Special Music: "Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up My Longing Eyes," Trinity Hymnal #82. First Church Quartet.
Sermon Postscript: "Covenant Families," Rev. R. Scott MacLaren.
Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Sabbath Rest," Jeremiah 17:19-27.
Confession of Faith: "No Mere Conjecture!" Westminster Confession of Faith 18:1-2.
Sermon Postscript: "Rest and Worship," Jeremiah 17:19-27.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon Postscript: "Christ the Center," Jeremiah 17:1-18.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Resurrection and Christian Hope," 1 Peter 1:3-12. Pastor MacLaren continues his series of sermons in the prophet Jeremiah, who faced circumstances in his day very similar to our own. Watch as we learn how God will do something greater for us than the amazing things God has already done for us as described in the Bible.
Confession of Faith: "The Perseverance of the Saints," Westminster Confession of Faith 17:1-2.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Resurrection and Christian Hope," 1 Peter 1:3-12.
Special Music: "Fairest Lord Jesus," Trinity Hymnal #129
Special Music: "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name," Trinity Hymnal #218 (First Tune).
Easter Sunday Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Resurrection of Jesus and the Christian Ministry," John 20:19-31
Hymn: "Crown Him with Many Crowns,
Complete Worship Service:
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Rejected Servant of the Lord," Jeremiah 15:10-21.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "Intercessory Prayer," Jeremiah 14:17-15:4.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Positivity Prophets," Jeremiah 14:1-16. Pastor MacLaren continues his series of sermons in the prophet Jeremiah's message.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Leopard's Spots," Jeremiah 13:15-27. Pastor MacLaren preaches on the dangers of pride and the hope of humility.
Hymn: "Forever Settled in the Heav'ns," Trinity Hymnal #54.
Hymn: "Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah," Trinity Hymnal #53
Complete Worship Service:
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "Covenant and Prosperity," Jeremiah 12. Pastor MacLaren continues his series of sermons in the prophet Jeremiah's message. This sermon addresses the problem we all face, "Why do the wicked prosper?" God had a great answer for Jeremiah, that will help you as well.
No Services: Cancelled for Snow.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "The Grand Conspiracy," Jeremiah 11:9-23. Conspiracy theories continue to intrigue us about the death of Hitler, the assassination of JFK, and even the landing on the moon. Whether those theories prove true or not, history is filled with stories of those who have contrived to overthrow those in power. These many conspiracies are mere symptoms of a far deeper conspiracy that has driven human history from the days of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Watch as Pastor MacLaren explains the message of the prophet Jeremiah about the conspiracies afoot in his day, and how it applies to us today.
Confession of Faith: "Repentance and Faith," Westminster Confession of Faith, 15:1-2.
Sermon: "The God of the Covenant," Jeremiah 11:1-8. Faith in a sovereign God who plans all things does not dissolve the significance of our planning, but rather encourages it. But our planning is done differently if we are believers in Jesus. Watch as Pastor MacLaren speaks from Proverbs 16:1-9 of how human plans and the divine plan intersect in amazing ways.
Complete Worship Service:
Sermon: "Planning Your Future?," Proverbs 16:1-9. Faith in a sovereign God who plans all things does not dissolve the significance of our planning, but rather encourages it. But our planning is done differently if we are believers in Jesus. Watch as Pastor MacLaren speaks from Proverbs 16:1-9 of how human plans and the divine plan intersect in amazing ways.
Congregational Hymn: "All People that on Earth Do Dwell," Trinity Hymnal #1.