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Sunday School

Our Sunday School begins at 11:15 AM and continues for about one hour. We meet downstairs in the fellowship hall of First Church, following a time for refreshments and fellowship. Adults sit around a cluster of tables to discuss a text of Scripture and its application to modern life. Pastor MacLaren leads the adult studies with assistance from the elders and teachers within the church.


Our Adult Sunday School is where we discuss the nature of the Christian life as it relates to our contemporary setting. Our habit is to go through the text of Scripture line by line, explaining its meaning and applying it to today. Currently Pastor MacLaren is leading a study in the post-exilic prophets and their message of hope for the future.


Our Children's Sunday School meets downstairs in the Children's room. Children are encouraged to study God's Word together, using Bible memorization, hymns, projects, and lessons, to impress on them the importance of following Jesus and seeing him in all of Scripture. The children meet together in one class with a variety of ages. Older children are welcome to attend the Adult Sunday School class.

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