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Join us for worship this Sunday at First Presbyterian Church of Perkasie, PA! We will meet for worship at 9:30 AM and have Sunday School at 11:15 AM. Parking is available in the lot across the street from the church. A nursery can be provided for young children with advanced notice. 

We are a family-centered church that respects God's Word regarding the formation of the family as rooted in a monogamous relationship between a biological male (the husband) and a biological female (the wife). As believers in the Reformed faith, we recognize the covenant God makes with believing parents and their children, whereby He covenants to be our God and the God of our children for generations to come (Genesis 17:7). The sacrament of baptism is applied then to believing parents and the children of their household (Acts 2:39-41; 11:14; 16:15, 31-34; 18:8; John 4:53). We receive children into the membership of the church (as communicant or non-communicant members), teach the gospel to them, call them to repentance and faith, pray for them and counsel them from the Scriptures. 


We are a culturally relevant church that applies the Scriptures to the modern world. All of life is to be lived under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, including our church, family, culture and civil authorities. Our message to all is to repent for the forgiveness of sins and to believe in the Lord Jesus for eternal life. Obedience to Jesus means loving him by keeping his commandments (John 14:15, 21; 15:10) as summarized in the moral law of God (Exodus 20:1-17; Deuteronomy 5:6-21; cf. Matthew 5-7).





9:30 AM Worship Service (All other services on hold at this time).


10:45 AM Refreshments and Fellowship


11:15 AM Sunday School.



10:00 AM The Reformed Bible Study Fellowship online only with Pastor MacLaren at:

Join by phone

‪(US) +1 323-905-3172‬ PIN: ‪511 808 154‬#



9:00 AM Currently The Reformed Fellowship meets online only at

Join by phone

‪(US) +1 662-618-2419‬ PIN: ‪854 304 685‬#


Our services are traditional Reformed services centered on the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal in our preaching is the glory of God, the salvation of the lost, and our growth in grace. We sing the great hymns of the Christian faith from the revised Trinity Hymnal. A nursery for small children is available downstairs, and parking is available in the lot across the street from the church.


Scripture readings are from a modern English translation of the Bible (the English Standard Version) that most accurately reflects the original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments. It respects the translation history of the English Bible, including the King James Bible, but is in an accessible reading style for a modern audience.


Communion Services are held on the first Sunday of each month. If you have received Christ and are resting upon him alone for salvation as he is offered to you in the gospel, if you are a baptized and professing communicant member in good standing in a church that professes the gospel of God’s free grace in Jesus Christ, and if you live penitently and seek to walk in godliness before the Lord, then this Supper is for you. 


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