First Presbyterian Church
Fifth and Race Streets
--Services at 9:30 AM--
Parking available in the lot across the street
Sermon Postscripts:
Review and Expanding Sermon Content
Sunday Presbyterian: "A Trustworthy Saying," 1 Timothy 1:15. The message of the gospel may be concentrated and crystalized in key statements that form the beginnings of doctrinal Christianity. Statements like that repeated by the apostle Paul to Timothy form the foundation for the development in the church of catechisms, creeds, and confessional statements. Our modern age is hostile to such concise assertions of the Christian faith, preferring bland platitudes and assurances of tolerance and acceptance. Watch as Pastor MacLaren "unpacks" one of those concise statements and shows its usefulness to the Christian church. This video was recorded live on Facebook on March 28, 2018.
Sermon Postscript: "Resurrection Witness, Resurrection Life!" In this Sermon Postscript, Pastor MacLaren explores further the impact of the resurrection has on our view of Jesus Christ and his work of redemption, contrasting that with alternative points of view found in mainline protestant Christianity, Romanism, and Evangelicalism. (Sermon: January 28, 2018)
Sermon Postscript: "Textual Comments on John 5:4. Posted on January 14, 2018.
"The Mission of Jesus," November 3, 2015. The story of Zacchaeus as told by Luke in his gospel (19:1-10) sheds light on the central mission of Jesus, which is "to seek and to save the lost." Pastor MacLaren explains what Luke meant by "save" and "salvation," distinguishes it from modern humanistic notions of "salvation," and comments further on the significance of "seeing Jesus" for Christians today. This postscript expands on the sermon preached the previous Sunday, November 1, 2015, "Seeing Jesus."
"Mary, Queen of Heaven," October 20, 2015, Pastor MacLaren extends his comments on the role that the Virgin Mary plays in the Roman Catholic Church, distinguishing that from what the Bible teaches about her.
An Introduction to Christian Counseling
"The Bible and Personal Guidance," Pastor MacLaren continues his discussion of the book, A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING by Dr. Jay E. Adams.
"Counseling and Authority," One distinctive mark of Christian counseling is the presence of true authority in its directive counseling. Secular forms of counseling have a sham source of authority: it is the authority of the expert, the practitioner, and the scientific method. In the end, such counseling is grounded in human opinion and incapable of bringing help or hope to the counselee. Watch as Pastor MacLaren continues his study in Dr. Jay E. Adams' book, A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING, on February 19, 2014. You can watch the video here:
"Theology and Counseling," What role does Christian theology have in counseling and psychology? Many counselors give little thought to the role of theology in counseling, and devote their time to the study of secular psychology. This is wrong and leads inevitably to failure. Watch as Pastor MacLaren leads a discussion of chapter 2 of Dr. Jay E. Adams' book, A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING.This video was recorded on 2/12./2014.
"Is Theology Necessary for Counseling?" Pastor MacLaren summarizes the opening chapter of Dr. Adams' book, A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING.
"A Purview of Christian Counseling," Pastor MacLaren covers the introduction to Dr. Adams' book, A THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN COUNSELING.