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Preaching Christ from the Scriptures



April 22:

Sunday Worship Service: Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus on this second Sunday after Easter. Rev. MacLaren preaches from Micah 5:1-5a on "Israel's Shepherd King." Special Music includes Waggoner and MacLaren singing, "Alas, and Did My Savior Bleed" from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Pastor MacLaren's meditation on the Larger Catechism is "The Sanctity of Marriage." Scripture readings are from the New International and King James Versions of the Bible. Complete Service:; Sermon:; Special Music:; Catechism:; Congregational Hymn:


April 15:

Sunday Worship Service: Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus on this first Sunday after Easter. Rev. MacLaren preaches from Micah 4:6-13 on "The Church Militant." Special Music includes Waggoner and MacLaren singing, "Thy Lovingkindness, Lord" from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Pastor MacLaren's meditation on the Larger Catechism is "Capital Punishment." Scripture readings are from the New International and King James Versions of the Bible. Complete Service:; Sermon:; Special Music:; Catechism:; Congregational Hymn:


April 8:

Easter Sunday Worship Service: Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus on this Easter Sunday, April 8, 2012. Rev. MacLaren preaches from Luke 24:36-49 on "Preaching the Resurrection and Forgiveness." Special Music includes Waggoner and MacLaren singing, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Scripture readings are from the New International and King James Versions of the Bible. Complete Service:; Sermon:; Special Music: Congregational Hymns:


April 6:

Good Friday Worship Service. Pastor MacLaren leads a special service focused on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ many years ago. His sermon is, "Father, Forgive Them," from Luke 23:26-34. Special Music includes "O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken..." and "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross." Complete Service: Sermon:; Special Music:;; Congregational Hymns:


April 1:

Complete Sunday Worship Service. Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "The Church Triumphant," based on Micah 4:1-12 (starts at about 20:00 min.). The special music selection is "All Glory, Laud and Honor," Trinity Hymnal #173, sung by Pastor MacLaren (starts at about 6:03 min.). We sing the great hymns of the Christian faith from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Our Scripture readings are from the New International and King James Versions of the Bible. Complete Service:; Sermon:


March 25:

Complete Sunday Worship Service. Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "Money Politics, Money Religion," based on Micah 3:1-12 (starts at about 20:00 min.). The special music selection is "Shine Thou upon Us Lord," Trinity Hymnal #631, sung by Waggoner and MacLaren (starts at about 6:03 min.). Complete Service:; Sermon: Special Music: Congregational Hymn:; Catechism:


March 18:

Complete Sunday Worship Service. Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "Business Ethics 101," based on Micah 2:1-13 (starts at about 20:00 min.). The special music selection is "More Love to Thee, O Christ" Trinity Hymnal #548, sung by Waggoner and MacLaren (starts at about 6:03 min.). Complete Service:; Sermon: Special Music: Congregational Hymn: Catechism:


March 11:

Complete Sunday Worship Service. Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "Treading on the Mountains," based on Micah 1:1-16 (starts at about 20:00 min.). The special music selection is "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," Trinity Hymnal #454, sung by Waggoner and MacLaren (starts at about 6:03 min.). Complete Service: Sermon: Special Music: Congregational Hymn: Catechism:


March 4:

Complete Sunday Worship Service. Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "My Only Boast," based on Galatians 6:11-18 (starts at 20:00 min.). The special music selection is "All That I Am I Owe to Thee," Trinity Hymnal #34, sung by Waggoner and MacLaren (starts at about 6:03 min.).


February 26:

Complete Sunday Worship Service. Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "Doing Good!" based on Galatians 6:6-10 (starts at 22:30 min.). The special music selection is "My Faith Looks Up to Thee," Trinity Hymnal #454, sung by Waggoner and MacLaren (starts at 5:20 min.).


February 19:

Sermon: "The Spiritual Life," Galatians 6:1-5. American spirituality has undergone quite a transformation from its origins in the Puritan settlers and their covenant dominated life to the modern amorphous spirituality of Oprah Winfrey. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from Galatians 6:1-5 how the apostle Paul shows us the true nature of spiritual living in the rough and tumble modern world.

Complete Sunday Worship Service: Join us as we worship the risen Lord Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit. The sermon is "The 'Spiritual' Life," based on Galatians 6:1-5 (starts at 21:40 min.). The special music selection is "O Thou from Whom All Goodness Flows," Trinity Hymnal #457, sung by Waggoner and MacLaren.


February 12:

Complete Sunday Worship Service: This service is our complete worship service in its original order, with Pastor MacLaren's sermon "The Fruit of the Spirit," as well as special music by Waggoner and MacLaren ("Jesus, Lover of My Soul," Trinity Hymnal #427).


February 5:

Sermon: "True Freedom," Galatians 5:13-18. The Arab Spring has seen the fall of tyrants and a wave of "freedom" across the middle east. But has true freedom really arrived? Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from Galatian 5:13-18 how true freedom is freedom to walk in love by the power of the Spirit. Part 1:; Part 2:

Worship Service: Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit! Part 1:; Part 2: Special Music: "Come, Dearest Lord, Descend and Dwell," Trinity Hymnal #250. Catechism: "Love and Tenderness," Larger Catechism Question #125.


January 29:

Sermon: "Run Right!" Galatians 5:7-12. A presidential race can be hard on those who compete. In the 2012 Republican primaries, Rick Perry was sent home to Texas "with his tail between his legs," while a battered Newt Gingrich in Florida gave campaign speeches with "all the excitement of a hospital waiting room" (Time Magazine). The apostle Paul compared the Christian life to a race that can leave some people knocked off track and facing defeat. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from Galatians 5:7-12 how the Lord wants us to run right and finish strong. Part 1:; Part 2:

Worship Service: Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit! Part 1:; Part 2: Special Music: "Oh Jesus, We Adore Thee," Trinity Hymnal #193.

Catechism: "Your Mother and Father," Larger Catechism Questions 123-124.


January 22:

Sermon: "Be Free!" Galatians 5:1-6. In listening to the political speeches of various candidates for the office of President of the United States, you will hear a lot of talk about "freedom." It is a word that stirs the deepest feelings of the human heart, but may perhaps mean different things to different people. The Apostle Paul spoke about freedom, and showed that true freedom is founded entirely on Jesus Christ and on Jesus Christ alone. With this kind of freedom, we can be set free to truly live and produce real freedom in every area of life, religious, political, economic, etc. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows how important it is that we build our freedom on Jesus Christ alone, and not on anything else. Part 1:; Part 2:

Worship Service: Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit! Part 1:; Part 2: Special Music: "It Is Well With My Soul," Trinity Hymnal #580. This wonderful Christian hymn was penned by Horatio Spafford in 1873 after a number of tragic events in his life, including the loss of his four daughters in a shipwreck at sea. Despite these losses, Spafford and his wife continued to serve the Lord by serving in a mission for the poor in Jerusalem. Watch as Elder Joseph Waggoner and Pastor R. Scott MacLaren sing this great hymn from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Rebekah Waggoner accompanies on the piano. Catechism: "The Golden Rule," Larger Catechism Question #122.


January 15:

Sermon: "Two Jerusalems," Galatians 4:21-31. Jerusalem is a divided city, but perhaps more divided than you think. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from Galatians 4:21-31 how this present Jerusalem is different from the Jerusalem "above," and we are not discussing the difference between the Old City and the modern city.... Part 1:; Part 2:

Worship Service: Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit! Part 1:; Part 2:

Special Music: "Come, for the Feast is Spread," Trinity Hymnal #391. Mr. Joseph Waggoner and Rev. R. Scott MacLaren sing this beautiful hymn from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church during the Sunday Worship Service of First Presbyterian Church in Perkasie, PA ( Mrs. Rebekah Waggoner accompanied on the piano.

Catechism: "Remember!!" Larger Catechism Question #121.


January 8:

Sermon: "The Goal of the Christian Ministry," Galatians 4:12-20. What is the goal of the Christian ministry? Some might suggest a therapeutic goal of building self-esteem, others look for a ministry of "relevance" that addresses systemic social evil. While those may be worthwhile considerations in their own right, the Apostle Paul focuses on something else. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows from Galatians 4:12-20 the true goal of pastoral ministry. Part 1:; Part 2:

Worship Service: Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit! Part 1:; Part 2:

Special Music: "Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross," Trinity Hymnal #704. This wonderful hymn is a prayer to the Lord asking to be kept "near the cross." Watch as Mr. Joseph Waggoner and Rev. R. Scott MacLaren sing this hymn from the original Trinity Hymnal of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Catechism: "Reasons for Rest," Larger Catechism Question #120. Pastor MacLaren provides a meditation on the Sabbath rest God provides for us in his word, as described in the Larger Catechism of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.


January 1:

Sermon: "A New Year's Resolution," Joshua 24. Leaders step forward to argue for their position and rally support around them. Joshua was one such leader in Israel who took a courageous step to solidify service to the Lord after he was gone. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows how we too must commit ourselves to the Lord, especially at critical moments in time. Part 1:; Part 2:

Worship Service: Join us as we worship the living God by his Word and Spirit! Part 1:; Part 2:

Catechism: "Sunday Observance," Larger Catechism Question #119. What does the fourth commandment prohibit? Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows what the command to keep the Lord's day holy implies with regard to what we should or shouldn't do on Sundays.


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