First Presbyterian Church
Fifth and Race Streets
--Services at 9:30 AM--
Parking available in the lot across the street
We are unique in the Pennridge community as a church that provides a confessionally Reformed faith, life, witness, and worship to members and friends who seek to know Jesus as revealed in the Scriptures.
This Reformed faith (also known as Calvinism) is faithful and consistent Christianity, and it is the heritage of historic presbyterian and reformed churches throughout Europe and North America. It liberated Western culture from its bondage to Romanism and Paganism in the sixteenth century and produced the liberties and prosperity that we have enjoyed ever since. As western culture abandoned that spiritual, religious heritage in the late nineteenth century, it gradually descended into tyranny and poverty. Today, it is proclaimed throughout the world in a global witness to the truth that “salvation is of the Lord.”
If you pray for your neighbor's salvation and thank God for your daily bread, you are perhaps unconsciously living as a Calvinist who believes in the sovereignty of God in salvation and in all of life.
​​​We provide a culturally relevant service that applies the Scriptures to modern life. All of life is to be lived under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, including our church, family, culture and civil authorities. We will teach you from the Scriptures to know the Lord and live in the light of his word. We urge everyone to repent of their sins, whatever they may be, and turn to Jesus to receive forgiveness and eternal life.
We extend a warm invitation to you to visit First Church and make us your church home. Please stay after our worship services for some light refreshments and a great time of fellowship. ​
9:30 AM Worship Service. Our service is broadcast on our livestream platform each Sunday on our YouTube Channel @FirstChurchOPC here:
​​11:15 AM Sunday School. We typically watch a video on a topic of interest and have a discussion afterwards.
10:00 AM The Reformed Bible Study Fellowship online only with Pastor MacLaren. The study is presented online at about 10:10 AM on our livestream platform @FirstChurchOPC. Members and friends watch the same on our Google Meet site and have a discussion and fellowship afterwards.
9:00 AM The Reformed Fellowship
meets online only. Follow along on our YouTube Channel @FirstChurchOPC live.
Our services are traditional Reformed services centered on the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our goal in our preaching is the glory of God, the salvation of the lost, and our growth in grace. We sing the great hymns of the Christian faith from the revised Trinity Hymnal. Our pew Bible is the English Standard Version of the Bible, a contemporary translation that is faithful to the original text of Scripture. A nursery for small children is available downstairs, and parking is available in the lot across the street from the church.
​Communion Services are held on the first Sunday of each month. If you have received Christ and are resting upon him alone for salvation as he is offered to you in the gospel, if you are a baptized and professing communicant member in good standing in a church that professes the gospel of God’s free grace in Jesus Christ, and if you live penitently and seek to walk in godliness before the Lord, then this Supper is for you.